All You Need to Know About Moments That Matter in 2023

Squadsy Team
May 31, 2023

All You Need to Know About Moments That Matter in 2023

The Moments That Matter approach can help HR teams & people leaders identify key touchpoints in the employee journey & make smarter impactful investments.

In the ever-evolving world of HR and People Operations the concept of  'Moments that Matter' is rapidly gaining prominence. As a professional in these fields, you understand that these crucial moments shape the overall employee experience, affecting engagement and retention.

“Moments that matter can be positive, negative, or neutral, but they all have the potential to shape how employees feel about their job, their team, and the organization as a whole.” ~ Jacob Morgan, Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, and Futurist.

This blog will guide you through the transformative power of these moments in 2023. We'll explore their significance, identify them, and discuss how to harness them effectively within your organization. 

Ready to delve into this exciting realm and drive positive change in your workplace? Let's get started.

What Are Moments That Matter and Why Are They Important?

'Moments that Matter' encompass the everyday interactions that contribute to an employee's work experience. These can swing between positive, negative, or even neutral, but they hold immense influence on how employees perceive their jobs.

These instances offer a golden opportunity to fortify the employer-employee relationship, guiding individuals towards actions that benefit both themselves and the company.

The importance of these moments is profound, directly affecting employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention. When employees feel valued, they are likely to be more invested in their work. According to a Society for Human Resource Management study, valued employees are 70% more engaged, 60% more satisfied, and 35% less likely to leave the company. A study by Deloitte found that 85% of employees believe that their company's culture has a significant impact on their job satisfaction.

"Organizations that focus on employee experience outperform those that do not, with higher profitability, lower turnover rates, and better customer satisfaction ratings." 

~ Jacob Morgan

We can harness these 'Moments that Matter' to enhance the employee experience in various ways to make sure employees feel connected with their organization and co-workers.

  • Celebrate employee milestones. Acknowledge their successes to make them feel valued.
  • Provide professional development opportunities. This encourages growth, leading to increased satisfaction.
  • Create a flexible work environment. This caters to the evolving work lifestyle, promoting happiness and productivity.
  • Offer competitive benefits. Fair compensation makes employees feel appreciated, enhancing engagement.
  • Be a good listener. This simple act can make employees feel heard and valued.

By paying heed to these moments, you can create an environment where employees feel valued, appreciated, and engaged, driving satisfaction, productivity, and retention upwards.

Examples of Moments That Matter

In the vast scope of employee experience, 'Moments that Matter' can be broadly categorized into two types: Ongoing Moments and One-Time Moments.

Ongoing Moments encapsulate experiences that occur routinely. These include daily interactions with colleagues, feedback and recognition from supervisors, training and development opportunities, and the fine balance of work and life.

Such moments mold the overall employee experience, influencing engagement and job satisfaction cumulatively.

In contrast, One-Time Moments are unique instances tethered to key events in an employee's lifecycle such as preboarding, onboarding, promotions, or performance reviews. These moments have a substantial impact on how employees perceive their role within the organization. 

"Creating a great employee experience means focusing on every interaction an employee has with the company, from the first job posting to the exit interview."

~ Jacob Morgan

Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the moments that :

  • Pre-boarding: This moment sets the tone for a new hire's journey. A positive pre-boarding experience can kickstart a smooth transition, ensuring that new employees feel welcome and eager to contribute.

  • Onboarding: similar to pre-boarding, the onboarding journey is critical in shaping a new hire's perception of the company. An effective onboarding reaffirms their decision to join the organization. It cultivates a sense of belonging, leading to quicker ramp times and happier, long-standing employees.

  • Promotions: Recognizing an employee's hard work with a promotion is a high-impact moment. It sends a clear message about the company's appreciation for their contributions, encouraging increased productivity.

  • Manager Education and Support: As new managers transition into their roles, providing them with the right resources and training is crucial. It sets them up for success and ultimately affects their team's engagement. Gallup's research highlights that managers account for 70% of the variance in employee engagement. 

  • Life Events: Important personal events such as weddings, work anniversaries, bereavements, or parental leave also matter. Recognizing and supporting employees during these times creates a culture of empathy and understanding.

  • Holidays and Observances: Celebrating a broad range of holidays and special events like International Women’s Day or Disability Awareness Month is an opportunity to reinforce company values, fostering an inclusive environment.

  • Career Development: Empowering employees with opportunities for learning and growth is a top motivator. Crafting personalized career journeys and providing regular check-ins can boost tenure and job satisfaction.

  • Offboarding: The exit process is as critical as onboarding. A thoughtful offboarding experience leaves a positive lasting impression and can transform departing employees into brand ambassadors or potential rehires in the future.

Both Ongoing and One-Time Moments play a crucial role in shaping an individual's experience in your organization. While One-Time Moments might create a more immediate impact, Ongoing Moments have the potential to build a consistent, lasting effect.

By paying careful attention to both, you can enhance your employees' experience and engagement, creating a workplace that truly values its people.

Why Should You Take the ‘Moments That Matter’ Approach?

Adopting the 'Moments that Matter' approach in managing employee experiences can offer significant benefits to organizations.

Here's why this philosophy is increasingly essential in our evolving work environment:

  • Adaptation to the Remote and Hybrid Work Environment: In the era of remote and hybrid work, we often miss the informal hallway interactions and coffee break conversations. These fleeting moments, often unnoticed, play a significant role in building relationships among coworkers.

Strategically planning for moments that matter helps foster a sense of connection within remote or hybrid teams. It equips managers and employees with the guidance necessary to acknowledge significant events, creating a more inclusive and aware work culture.

  • Enhanced Performance: Today's work environment can often be ambiguous. The lack of clear expectations can breed uncertainty and anxiety among employees. Defining moments that matter and creating guidance around them enhances clarity, helping employees perform better and feel more confident. 

  • Structuring and Strategizing Abstract Concepts: Concepts such as "employee experience" or "company culture" can often seem nebulous. Identifying moments that matter within your organization allows you to create a strategic plan, providing a clear path towards an improved work culture rather than striving towards vague goals.

"Moments that matter can be small, but they have a big impact. Something as simple as a thank-you note or a smile can make a big difference in how an employee feels about their work."

~Jacob Morgan

The above quote perfectly illustrates the power of these moments, emphasizing their profound effect on employee morale and engagement.

Taking the 'Moments That Matter' approach is not merely a one-off project, but a continuous effort to create a workplace that employees love and where they can thrive. It involves being proactive in creating positive experiences rather than merely reacting to negative events.

In doing so, we foster a healthier, more engaged, and productive workplace that truly values its employees.

How to Get Started With Moments That Matter 

We have seen how the ‘Moments That Matter’ approach emerges as an instrumental philosophy in today’s organizations. It can seem overwhelming initially, but a systematic, step-by-step approach can simplify the process.

Here's a quick guide on how to initiate this journey:

  • Prioritize High-Impact Moments: If you're still in the early stages, avoid the temptation to address everything all at once. Begin by identifying high-impact stages such as onboarding, life events, manager journeys, and employee development. Prioritize these stages based on their urgency and potential impact.

Remember, your long-term objective should be to cover as many moments as possible, but pacing yourself will ensure the quality of engagement remains high.

  • Personalize Content by Demographic: When addressing each moment, consider the dual perspectives of both the employee and their manager. Does your communication strategy effectively clarify expectations? Is it personalized to cater to specific demographics?

Personalization might mean crafting different return-to-work plans based on varying office facilities or creating distinct recognition practices for diverse teams. The goal is to ensure each individual feels recognized, valued, and understood in their unique context.

  • Automate Your Communications: After identifying the significant moments and developing tailored communication around them, consider automating your communication process. On any given day, numerous moments are occurring throughout your organization.

Manually addressing each of these moments is impractical and unsustainable. By automating communication, you ensure timely and efficient distribution of information, allowing HR teams to focus on strategic rather than operational tasks.

"Employee experience is not a program or a project; it is an ongoing effort to create a workplace that employees love and where they can thrive."

~Jacob Morgan

The 'Moments That Matter' approach is about building a proactive, responsive, and inclusive culture that recognizes and values each employee's unique experiences. As you gradually cover more moments and continue refining your strategies, you’ll be able to nurture a more engaged, productive, and happy workforce.

How to Measure Moments That Matter

To optimize employee experiences, tracking and analyzing the 'Moments That Matter' is essential. Utilizing a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods can provide a well-rounded perspective. Here's how you can measure these significant moments:

  • Surveys: Surveys, such as candidate experience, onboarding, performance review, career development, anniversary, and exit surveys, capture the employees' opinions at various stages of their journey. These can help identify potential improvements and measure the effectiveness of current processes.

"One negative interaction can undo the effects of five positive interactions."

~Jacob Morgan

  • Focus Groups: Focus groups offer a platform for employees to voice their thoughts. This method, when used effectively, can create a safe space for candid feedback and can unveil important subtleties missed by quantitative methods.

  • Behavioral Data: Metrics such as email engagement rates, task completion rates, and meeting attendance can indirectly indicate the quality of employee experiences. Platforms like Squadsy can be handy for monitoring such behavioral data.

  • Company Metrics: Indicators like retention rates and e-NPS scores can give insights into how your 'Moments That Matter' strategies are influencing your organizational health.

  • External Websites: Employees often share their experiences on platforms like Glassdoor. Monitoring these sites can offer valuable insights and help the organization preempt any negative sentiments that may affect its reputation.

  • Transition Surveys: These are especially significant during periods of change like returning to work post-pandemic or after a leave. They offer a channel for employees to express their concerns and help the organization improve its support systems.

Remember, measurement is only the first step. Actively responding to the data, making necessary changes, and involving employees in the improvement process is key.

Moments that matter can happen at any time, so it's important for organizations to be proactive in creating positive experiences for employees, rather than waiting for something to go wrong and then trying to fix it.

Final Takeaway

While we cannot completely eradicate the unpredictability of today's work environment, focusing on 'Moments That Matter' can significantly enhance clarity and provide necessary support.

This approach not only empowers employees but also fosters a positive and supportive work culture. Remember, the goal is to create a workspace where each moment is valued and every employee feels heard and acknowledged.

In essence, the 'Moments That Matter' approach is not merely a strategy, but an organizational mindset, worth striving for. It's an investment in employee satisfaction, engagement, and ultimately, in the success of the organization itself.

Investing and using a tool like Squadsy to create, streamline, and optimize various new hire and employee journeys can ensure that you create wonderful experiences and unforgettable moments. By integrating with various HRIS tools in your organization Squadsy helps you automate  and personalize the communication process with your new hires. 

Ready to start creating awesome experiences and take the manual tasks off your hands, request a demo and our team will be happy to reach out to you and show how we can enhance your processes.

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